[Hampshire] [Admin]Observations, improvements and initiative…

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Author: Tim Brocklehurst
To: Hampshire LUG Discussion List
Subject: [Hampshire] [Admin]Observations, improvements and initiatives
I'll apologise in advance for this rather lengthy e-mail, but I think it's
important that I outline a few observations and ideas I have. The points below
were discussed at the last meeting, and I have updated this version in light
of the comments recieved.

If you want to discuss the following points, please reply to this e-mail with
the subject line specified.


Meeting Venues: (subject line [ADMIN][OBS-MEET_VEN])
    We have had an issue with the availability of meeting venues. I'm glad to 
say the Chris Malton has confirmed the availability of our normal meeting room 
for the forseable future. I will continue to try to find some alternative 
venues, just to provide a bit of variety.
    Alternative venues will probably be pubs. If anyone knows of suitable 
locations, or friendly companies who would be willing to loan us a conference 
room, please let us know!

No meetings over the summer: (subject line [ADMIN][OBS-SUMMER])
    This year, we didn't have any meetings over the summer. The reasons for 
this were numerous, including venue availability, and having such nice 
weather. I suggest that we have a “summer break” where the July and August 
meetings are replaced with an informal barbeque in late July. Hopefully, this 
will keep things going, but in a more relaxed manner.

Publicity: (subject line [ADMIN][OBS-PUB])
    We currently have very little publicity, we can be found by web-searches, 
but we're not exactly well known by the "general public" as it were. In 
parallel with the proposed events (see later in this e-mail), I suggest we 
investigate advertising on radio (eg. Radio Solent / Wave105 / Jack FM), 
possibly giving a short interview or similar about the upcoming events and 
meetings (Wave 105 has (or at least, had, a section for upcoming local 
events). Would anyone like to take on the mantle of "Publicity Rep"?
    An "easy win" for us is to put together a Facebook page for the LUG, 
which hopefully would raise our profile through networks of friends (I'm fully 
aware that not everyone uses facebook).


Website Layout: (subject line [ADMIN][IMP-WEB])
    At present, the general layout and presentation of the website is a 
little dated compared to other LUGS. There is useful information on the site, 
but it needs a bit of a re-organisation. I think Surrey has the right idea 
with thier homepage ( http://surrey.lug.org.uk/ ). It's clear and informative. 
I think it would be useful to schedule time at January's meeting to discuss 
ideas in detail, but please start discussing options now!.

LUG / Hackerspace relations: (subject line [ADMIN][IMP-HACK])
    Hackerspaces are becoming more prevalant, and I don't believe that they 
are any sort of threat to the LUG. I think there is a lot to learn from making 
and building things, and there's a lot of information in both the LUG and 
Hackerspaces which can be mutually beneficial. I think this is particularly 
important for the younger LUG members (thinking 16-21yo), as there is a good 
probability that if they choose an engineering career there will be a lot of 
cross-over. So I heartily welcome any talks about hacking (the legal 
interfacing or coding type), interfacing electronics. I think we could also 
consider holding joint meetings.

New initiatives:

Support for LUG members' projects: (subject line [ADMIN][INI-PROJECTS])
    This suggestion recieved considerable discussion, and requires careful 
thought about the terms under which we operate such a scheme. Initially, I had 
only really considered fiscal funding, in order to help younger members to get 
ideas off the ground. In discussion, however, the point was made that help in 
the form of knowledge and kit was just as useful (if not moreso) than finance. 
Consequently, I have renamed this initiative.
    I suggest that a crowdfunding-type mechanism is used (with donations able 
to be made in the form of time and experience as well as money), with project 
application to the comittee. On application, projects will be subject to a 
review for suitability by the committee. After which, sucessful projects will 
be put onto the website. Rather than a requiring a total amount to be raised 
before the project is funded, I think it would be preferable to provide 
funding in a drip-feed manner, as donations come in.
    It is expected that presentations given at LUG meetings will increase the 
probability of funding, and these presentations can be recorded and added to 
the website for public viewing. Conversely, it is unlikely that you will 
continue to be funded if you show little or no progress, and this is not 
likely to do you any favours for future bids. I am sure that good accounting 
and thanking those who donate time and equipment will go down well too!
    Concern was raised that there was possibility for cons and deception with 
this initiative. That is certainly true, but I must stress that under the 
proposed model, you are responsible for the donation you make. You should only 
donate what you feel you can afford, and only on projects which you wish to 

Christmas Lecture: (subject line [ADMIN][INI-CHRISTMAS])
    This is meant to be something a bit special for the December meeting. The 
plan is to hold a formal lecture (open to the public) with a guest speaker; 
followed by a formal dinner for HantsLUG members. I am trying to get this 
sorted out as fast as I can, and I'll let you know what's happening as soon as 

Easter Debate: (subject line [ADMIN][INI-EASTER])
    Again, an opportunity to shake up the normal pattern of meetings with a 
formal debate. It's an opportunity for the LUG members to formally debate a 
topic (to be decided, the topic could be non-IT related). This could easily be 
opened to the public.

Summer Barbeque: (subject line [ADMIN][OBS-SUMMER])
    This has already been alluded to in the observations. Basically, it's a 
BBQ to be held mid to late July during the “summer break”. Everybody welcome, 
bring food!

Guest speakers: (subject line [ADMIN][INI-SPEAKER])
    It would be really nice to get some speakers who are involved in 
OpenSource, but from outside the LUG. These guest speakers should have an IT 
background, but should not be someone who is (closely) associated with the 
LUG. If anybody knows anyone who might be willing, please sound them out and 
let me know. I'm happy to take offers for talks months in advance!

Links with STEM: (subject line [ADMIN][INI-STEM])
    I have got a lot from the LUG while I have been a member, and  Iwould 
like to invite other young people into the LUG to benefit in a similar way. The 
LUG provides a great place to gain public speaking skills, and to get advice. 
I would like to extend the invitation for students (university & secondary 
school) to demonstrate and talk about electronics/technology/IT projects at 
LUG meetings.
    Questions were raised on this point about CRB checks, and I still need to 
confirm the answer with STEMNET, but I do not think that for occasional 
meetings this will be a problem. However, younger members and vulnerable 
adults are advised to come to the meeting with a parent or guardian.

Hopefully this gives you a good idea of what I'm trying to achieve. In short,
a vibrant and diverse community where ingenuity can flourish.


Tim B.

Please post to: Hampshire@???
Web Interface: https://mailman.lug.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/hampshire
LUG URL: http://www.hantslug.org.uk