Re: [Hampshire] [Admin]Observations, improvements and initia…

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Author: john lewis
To: hampshire
Subject: Re: [Hampshire] [Admin]Observations, improvements and initiatives
On Sun, 14 Oct 2012 19:36:49 +0100
Tim Brocklehurst <timb@???> wrote:

> Meeting Venues: (subject line [ADMIN][OBS-MEET_VEN])
>     We have had an issue with the availability of meeting venues.
> I'm glad to say the Chris Malton has confirmed the availability of
> our normal meeting room for the forseable future. I will continue to
> try to find some alternative venues, just to provide a bit of variety.
>     Alternative venues will probably be pubs. If anyone knows of
> suitable locations, or friendly companies who would be willing to
> loan us a conference room, please let us know!

This something that has been raised many times over the years, the fact
is that there are _very_ few alternative venues and if it were not for
the fact that there have been several LUG members with "positions of
power" at the Uni over the past 10-15 years, the LUG could well have
folded or been reduced to something like BristolLUG who meet in the
corner of the bar at Wetherspoons (at least that is where they met onthe half dozen or so time I joined them)

> No meetings over the summer: (subject line [ADMIN][OBS-SUMMER])
>     This year, we didn't have any meetings over the summer. The
> reasons for this were numerous, including venue availability, and
> having such nice weather. I suggest that we have a “summer break”
> where the July and August meetings are replaced with an informal
> barbeque in late July. Hopefully, this will keep things going, but in
> a more relaxed manner.

This has happened in the past but required a member with a big enough
garden and a willingness to run it.

> Publicity: (subject line [ADMIN][OBS-PUB])
>     We currently have very little publicity, we can be found by
> web-searches, but we're not exactly well known by the "general
> public" as it were. In parallel with the proposed events (see later
> in this e-mail), I suggest we investigate advertising on radio (eg.
> Radio Solent / Wave105 / Jack FM), possibly giving a short interview
> or similar about the upcoming events and meetings (Wave 105 has (or
> at least, had, a section for upcoming local events). Would anyone
> like to take on the mantle of "Publicity Rep"? An "easy win" for us
> is to put together a Facebook page for the LUG, which hopefully would
> raise our profile through networks of friends (I'm fully aware that
> not everyone uses facebook).

that means having a "publicity agent" who can make and maintain
relevant contacts. me gives a thumbs down to facebook or any such

> Improvements:
> Website Layout: (subject line [ADMIN][IMP-WEB])
>     At present, the general layout and presentation of the
> website is a little dated compared to other LUGS. There is useful
> information on the site, but it needs a bit of a re-organisation. I
> think Surrey has the right idea with thier homepage
> ( ). 

the format of the LUG webpage is very different to the Surrey webapge.
It is a wiki so anyone willing to have a go could re-format it, it
has been tried in the past but without any success. Speaking
personally I don't think the Surrey webpage is much of an
improvement ;-(

> LUG / Hackerspace relations: (subject line [ADMIN][IMP-HACK])
>     Hackerspaces are becoming more prevalant, and I don't believe
> that they are any sort of threat to the LUG. I think there is a lot
> to learn from making and building things, and there's a lot of
> information in both the LUG and Hackerspaces which can be mutually
> beneficial. I think this is particularly important for the younger
> LUG members (thinking 16-21yo), as there is a good probability that
> if they choose an engineering career there will be a lot of
> cross-over. So I heartily welcome any talks about hacking (the legal
> interfacing or coding type), interfacing electronics. I think we
> could also consider holding joint meetings.

I know nothing of hackerspace so cannot comment other than the
BristolLUG members seemed to be the sort of people who'd attend
that sort of thing and it was one of the reason I gave up going
> New initiatives:
> Support for LUG members' projects: (subject line
> [ADMIN][INI-PROJECTS]) This suggestion recieved considerable
> discussion, and requires careful thought about the terms under which
> we operate such a scheme.


I'm not really able to comment on this.

> Christmas Lecture: (subject line [ADMIN][INI-CHRISTMAS])
>     This is meant to be something a bit special for the December
> meeting. The plan is to hold a formal lecture (open to the public)
> with a guest speaker; followed by a formal dinner for HantsLUG
> members. I am trying to get this sorted out as fast as I can, and
> I'll let you know what's happening as soon as possible.

Guest speakers don't come cheap, and you'd need to advertise it quite a
bit to draw in "the public" I expect the LUG still has a fair number of
pennies in the bank but that sort of thing could dig into the piggy
bank quite severely.

> Easter Debate: (subject line [ADMIN][INI-EASTER])
> Summer Barbeque: (subject line [ADMIN][OBS-SUMMER])
> Guest speakers: (subject line [ADMIN][INI-SPEAKER])

> Links with STEM: (subject line [ADMIN][INI-STEM])
>     I have got a lot from the LUG while I have been a member,
> and  Iwould like to invite other young people into the LUG to benefit
> in a similar way. The LUG provides a great place to gain public
> speaking skills, and to get advice. I would like to extend the
> invitation for students (university & secondary school) to
> demonstrate and talk about electronics/technology/IT projects at LUG
> meetings. Questions were raised on this point about CRB checks, and I
> still need to confirm the answer with STEMNET, but I do not think
> that for occasional meetings this will be a problem. However, younger
> members and vulnerable adults are advised to come to the meeting with
> a parent or guardian.

I hadn't heard of STEMNET before seeing this item so don't have any
idea how a LUG could get involved. CRB checks are always going to be a
problem, my wife had to fill out various forms and get several
responsible to vouch for her before she could become a helper at a
Mother & Tot group at the church she attends.

> Hopefully this gives you a good idea of what I'm trying to achieve.
> In short, a vibrant and diverse community where ingenuity can
> flourish.

Sorry if I have come over as very negative in my reply but experience
as a committee member in HantsLUG, a big mountain bike club, a
mountaineering club and a Cycling Development Group has taught me to be
fairly sceptical about prospect of success.

John Lewis
Debian & the GeneWeb genealogical data server

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