imported from wiki, 25 July 2010
When: 10:30 – 16:30, Saturday 10th March 2007
Where: ParkHallChurchHall
Gallery: http://www.hants.lug.org.uk/gallery/HantsLUG_03_2007
The talks will be 5-10 minutes each with a 5 min changeover between talks.
Please feel free to put volunteered talks and suggestions on the [MeetingSuggestions] page.
imported from wiki, 25 July 2010
When: 10:30 – 16:30, Saturday 8th December 2007
Where: SouthamptonUniversity SeminarRoom1
- Doors open @10:30
First impressions of the Asus 701 eee Pc and Xandros Linux – JimKissel
Practical crypto (SSH, PGP, X.509) – HugoMills (postponed until later)
“A Beginner’s Guide to Achieving the Impossible”, a talk about how a Perl Newbie can get a lot done using CPAN – AdamTrickett
Soundbridge (Wifi MP3 client) [continued…]
imported from wiki, 25 July 2010
When: 10:00 – 16:30, Saturday 16th November 20010
Where: SeminarRoom1, Southampton University.
Events Planned
13:00 ish Daniel James: “director of 64 Studio Ltd, a company that produces a 64bit GNU/Linux distribution designed specifically for creative users, and does custom development work for OEMs with multimedia products. He worked on LinuxUser & Developer magazine for around seven years, serving as editor from autumn 2005 until early 2007. Over the last few years, his media work has expanded to include a longheld interest in sound recording, with several music and voiceover [continued…]
imported from wiki, 17 July 2010
When: 10:30 – 16:30, Saturday4th August 2007
Where: SouthamptonUniversity SeminarRoom1
imported from wiki, 28 May 2010
When: 10:30 – 17:00, Saturday 2nd October 2004
Where: SeminarRoom1, Building 59 (Zepler), Department of Electronics & Computer Science, Southampton University.
Who was there
imported from wiki, 21 April 2010
Our 10th anniversary at the Flower Pots in Cheriton, where it all started!
From Left to Right:-
Stephen Nelson-Smith, William Nelson-Smith, Tony Whitmore, Helena Nelson-Smith, Corin Nelson-Smith, Atalanta Nelson-Smith, Dean Early, Laura Cowen, David Purse, Ciemon Dunville, Dan Pope, Mark Dewberryhouse, Andy Ransom, Alan Pope, Iain Brazier, John Lewis, Adrian Bridgett, ??, Stephen Davies, Mark Lewis, Paul Tansom, Joy Lewis
Extra thanks to Mark Lewis – one of the founders (and looks after the domain names for us) who came down to say hello
imported from wiki, 11 April 2010
This meeting took place at Southampton ECS in Seminar Room 1.
What happened?
DanPope gave a talk on Game programming with Python. The book I mentioned about games programming maths is 3D Game Engine Design.
DamianBrasher gave a talk on DIASER Lightweight cloud storage softare
Who was there
imported from wiki, 15 March 2010
Describe the new page here.
imported from wiki, 7 February 2010
Schedule of talks for 6th February 2010 at IBM HursleyLabs, Winchester
- 10:00-10:45 – Arrive
11:00 – Introduction – AntonPiatek
11:15 – Linux is everywhere: a look at embedded linux – 30min – ChrisSimmonds
12:00 – Lunch – HursleyClubhouse (TBC)
14:30 – Walking with elephants – 20min- DamianBrasher
- This ebook is designed to help you gain some deeper insight into a small scale, technical Open Source software development
15:00 – Puppet – what, why, how – [continued…]
imported from wiki, 11 December 2009