On Tue, Oct 18 at 06:58, Ian Grody wrote:
> On Monday 17 October 2011 15:06:37 Philip Stubbs wrote:
> > Can anybody tell me how this works:-
> > http://www.bluecarbon.com/how-it-works.html
> Nah, it's for real.. Ask RedSquare Services... They seemed to have gotten very
> embarrassed when I asked them about it....
Or Clarity Carbon Limited or what looks like a string of similar short lived
one pound capitialised companies with the same postcode.
According to Google maps the postcode is in the middle of an empty field
btw but that bd down to google.
Anyone notice that some of the "case histories" seem to be boiler plate
copies of each other ?
Bob Dunlop
Please post to: Hampshire@???
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