On 09/02/11 10:05, Graeme Hilton wrote:
> On 8 February 2011 20:33, Chris Dennis <cgdennis@???
> <mailto:cgdennis@btinternet.com>> wrote:
> Does anyone know of Linux-based / open-source software that could
> automatically read the number from a runner's vest, such as the ones
> on this page:
> �http://www.edstaggphotography.com/thumbnails.php?album=291&page=2
> <http://www.edstaggphotography.com/thumbnails.php?album=291&page=2>
> Have you tried JavaANPR? �Meant for number plates, but I assume a
> runners vest is pretty similar.
> http://javaanpr.sourceforge.net/
Excellent -- that's more like what I had in mind. It's fun to play
with, but after 10 minutes I've failed to make it recognize a runner
number -- not enough demarcation around the number I think. Maybe I'll
tweak the configuration some more later.
Chris Dennis cgdennis@???
Fordingbridge, Hampshire, UK