On 08/02/11 20:55, Jan Henkins wrote:
> Hello Chris,
> On Tue, February 8, 2011 20:33, Chris Dennis wrote:
>> Hello folks
>> This is a bit of a long shot -- Googling hasn't helped.
>> Does anyone know of Linux-based / open-source software that could
>> automatically read the number from a runner's vest, such as the ones on
>> this page:
>> http://www.edstaggphotography.com/thumbnails.php?album=291&page=2
>> I've briefly toyed with tesseract and gocr, but they (not surprisingly)
>> try to interpret the whole image as text, and generate a mess of
>> punctuation.
> Yes, as you say gocr and tesseract were meant for text. What you want to
> do is a lot more intricate. The only project I can think of that would
> come even a little bit close to what you would like to do, is the OpenCV
> [1] (like Open Computer Vision) project. Nat Friedman and Alex Graveley
> from the Hacker Medley podcast [2] had an interview with the project
> leader in the 5th ep of their cast. There are some interesting links in
> their shownotes, not the least being to an O'Reilly book on OpenCV.
> Links:
> [1] OpenCV home - http://opencv.willowgarage.com/wiki/
> [2] Hacker Medley - http://hackermedley.org/
Thanks for those links -- OpenCV looks far too hard for the likes of me
Chris Dennis cgdennis@???
Fordingbridge, Hampshire, UK