
5th August2006

When: 10:30 – 16:30, Saturday 5th August 2006

Where: SeminarRoom1



  • Recording desktop sessions to video – AlanPope

  • Linux training and how to prepare – DamianBrasher

  • Scheduling and Background tasks: cron, at, nohup and screen – AndyRansom

You’ll find slides, video and other media from the talks on the TechTalks/5thAugust2006 page.

AGM Minutes

  1. Welcome. The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and noted that the AGM was non-quorate, with only 17 of the required 24 members (based on current MailingList subscriptions) present.

  2. Matters Arising. No matters arising were reported.

  3. Report on past year:

    • Creation of Planet HantsLUG in August 2005. Grown over the year, now with 17 different people represented.

    • Last meeting at Syan TSD in September 2005.
    • Southampton University fire at end of October 2005. Unable to return to the venue until February.
    • New meeting venue at Park Hall Church Hall, Aldershot. First meeting of four in November 2005.
    • December meeting at Jamies Computer Club due to ECS fire, popular meeting.
    • Busiest LUG meeting on record – April 2006 with 46 people.
    • Special meeting arranged for Paul Sladen talk in May 2006.
    • Summer BBQ in July 2006 hosted by Stephen Davies.
    • Membership numbers up by about 40.
    • Development of talk program at Soton meetings, talk videos released online from August, settling into the established formats over the year.
    • Infopoints stopped running in January when the computer fairs shut down. Looking to restart.
    • Less successful: Poster design competition
  4. Presentation of Accounts. JohnLewis presented the GroupFinances for the year 2005-2006.

  5. Election of Officers. This did not occur due to the meeting being inquorate.

  6. AOB. HugoMills offered thanks to TonyWhitmore for his work as Chairman over the last two years. Tony thanked his fellow committee members and the members of the LUG who had contributed in all sorts of ways over the last two years. Tony explained that as the meeting was non-quorate, the current Committee would continue in their roles, but would meet to discuss possible co-options later.

Who was there

What happened

  • AdamTrickett tried to convince any Debian user that would listen to buy “The Debian System” by Martin Kraft – a fantastic book…

  • CliveWoodfine demonstrated Austrum a Latvian Slack based live distro, but it didn’t find his ethernet card

  • JohnLewis tested the DI-Etch snapshot 3.Aug.06 by succesfully installing it on his Thinkpad 600e

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