
Meeting 3 November 2012

The next HantsLUG meeting will be at Southampton University on 3 November 2012, 10:30am to 4pm.

There is just one talk this month (about recording and making sense of motion data), but there's still time to offer!

11:30 — eight of us here so far, currently discussing clusters.

2:20 — Tim B has just given his talk about using an Android phone to monitor flight parameters in a model plane.

There have been about a dozen of us here, including Tim, Ed, Chris D, Chris M, [continued…]

06 October2012

When: 10:00 – 16:30, Saturday 06th October 2012

Where: SeminarRoom1, Southampton University.

Events Planned

Who Was There

What Happened

  • fill in as it happens

See Also

Chris Dennis

I've been playing with Linux for over ten years now, and working with computers since 'user interface' meant a roll of punched paper tape.

I'm currently self-employed running Fordingbridge Computer Services, which sadly means that I have to deal with Windows most of the time. I have introduced several people and a couple of small businesses to Linux though, and many more to the likes of Firefox and OpenOffice.

Since October 2012 I've been the HantsLUG hostmaster and webmaster, looking after our BitFolk VPS and starting [continued…]

03 December2011

When: 10:00 – 16:30, Saturday 03rd December 2011

Where: SeminarRoom1, Southampton University.

Events Planned

Who Was There

What Happened

  • Vic and Ed worked to get get_iplayer working with radio

See Also

Bash Startup

bash has a rather complicated way of working out which init files to read when it starts up. This is documented in the man page, but since that is 900 lines long, this page summarises how it works, so that you can find which file(s) to modify for the effect you want.

Login shell vs normal shell

First, you need to know whether your shell is a login shell or not. As the name suggests, a login shell is the one you get when you log in on the console. You can also obtain [continued…]

7th May2005

When: 10:30 – 17:00, Saturday 7th May 2005

Where: SyanTSD

Who was there

Performance Tuning

Simple performance tuning tips

 > I don't know if it is IO bound and don't really know how to test > such things. I just know access isn't as snappy as it used to be. 

When the system is running fast/normally you need to take a baseline. Look at top, see what your percentage system, user, idle and iowait is. These can be seen here:

 Cpu(s): 8.6% us, 0.3% sy, 0.0% ni, 90.5% id, 0.6% wa, 0.0% hi, 0.0% si

4 June2011

Topics for 4th June 2011 at HursleyLabs

Please list the topic of a talk you are prepared to give, the approximate length, and your name. Talks can be anything from a 5 minute demo or walkthrough, to 30-45 minutes of slides

Mac Mini

Installing Linux & OSX on a MAC Mini System by Stephen Davies

This article is a result of my experiences and nothing else. There are probably better ways to do some things but I didn’t find them or failed to get them to work.

The task was to install both OSX & Linux on a Mac Mini system.

The Mini came with OSX 10.3 already installed as it was one I won on an Ebay auction. So, my first exercise was to remove the existing OSX installation and look at how [continued…]

DVD Authoring

The Topfield ‘Toppy’ TF5800PVRA is a freeview HD recorder with a USB interface. You can download the recordings (.rec files) to a PC and then burn them to a DVD after a bit of juggling. Here is a four step working solution after many false starts:

A) Translate the .rec file to something usable:

Use !ProjectX

  • Set the cut points to skip ads etc (CutControl tab)
  • Demux (click prepare button, tick demux box, press play button)
  • B) Re-multiplex in a way that dvdauthor can read

    Use mplex:

    • mplex -f8 -o tvprog.mpg tvprog.m2v tvprog.mp2

    C) Create menus [continued…]