On 14/09/11 02:50, Mike Burrows wrote:
> The owner or group ID of vsftp must be writeable to that folder, doesn't
> have to be 666/777, but say vsftp user is vsftp and group is vsftp, just
> make the folder writeable to that group, chown :vsftp /home/ftp; chmod
> g+w /home/ftp Either UID or GID writable will work, but if the folder is
> owned by your user too, you may just want to make the folder that vsftp
> writeable to group.
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>>> Please post to: Hampshire@???
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>> --
>> Please post to: Hampshire@???
>> Web Interface: https://mailman.lug.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/hampshire
>> LUG URL: http://www.hantslug.org.uk
>> --------------------------------------------------------------
> OK so I am still trying to achieve anonymous download. Here is some of
> the output from lsof -i
> vsftpd 14795 root 3u IPv4 35342 TCP *:ftp (LISTEN)
> vsftpd 14797 nobody 0u IPv4 35343 TCP
> eddie.steele.net:ftp->dynamic-XXX-XXX-XXX-XXXC.knology.net:XXXXX
> vsftpd 14799 ftp 0u IPv4 35343 TCP
> eddie.steele.net:ftp->dynamic-XXX-XXX-XXX-XXX.knology.net:XXXXX
> I change the onership of /home/ftp to both nobody and ftp changing the
> group permissions to g+w in both cases and although I can connect to the
> ftp anonymously, classicftp cannot download a file. It reports "cannot
> open file:filename". I even added a group ftp and changed the group of
> /home/ftp from root to ftp. In that case I could not connect to the
> server at all:(
> any more thoughts?
Please post your configuration file here, plus the output of...
id ftp
ps -ef | grep [v]sftpd
ls -la /home/ftp
Without that information we are just guessing.
Anonymous users should be chrooted into the home directory of the 'ftp'
for more information you can also set these parameters
and restart the service. Then show us your logs.