Author: e-mail phillip.chandler Date: To: Hampshire LUG Discussion List Subject: Re: [Hampshire] Syncing Android with Linux
On 29 August 2011 19:13, John Cooper <lug@???> wrote:
> On 29/08/11 19:57, Keith Edmunds wrote:
>> On Mon, 29 Aug 2011 18:25:21 +0000, phillip.chandler@??? said:
>> Call me old fashioned, but Id rather keep all my personal stuff backed
>>> up on a usb stick.
>> I'd probably call you naive rather than old fashioned.
> I'd add paranoid as well. Everytime you go on the internet your activity is
> logged, every email you send is stored, your mobile phone logs your location
> and CCTV cameras capture your image. This is the world we live in and is not
> necessarily a bad thing. For the majority of people, your information is
> mundane and of little use so it begs the question what are you doing that
> requires top secrecy?
> I use a Linux desktop at work and I was told to "share" my calendar which
> would normally mean using Outlook. So I downloaded the Google sync for
> Outlook and can carry on using Thunderbird linked to Google calendar. My new
> Samsung Galaxy SII has the option to sync to MS Exchange which means all my
> appointments appear on my phone. And all for free and backed up in case I
> lose or change my phone.
> CCTV and mobiles phones you cant control what they record. Im talking about
personal information that you can control. You making the choice about
either having your personal info on a cloud server in Russia, or on a pen
drive in your top draw.
And having a log about my surfing habits is less important to me than having
my letters to the bank, asking for my money back either on a server out of
my control, or on a pen drive, in my control.
And if I was paranoid, Id be working for Richard Stallman and have no mobile
phone at all. Or Id be permanently unemployed and be afraid to go outside,
in case I pick up anything, or if cctv catches me going for a pint of milk,
and the DWP says that as i was seen going out then Im fit for work. So
paranoid is too strong a word for what I originally wrote, (sorry :-))))))