Andy Random wrote:
> Any suggestions?
I've been contemplating one of these:
It plays just about every file format you'd want to play (inc. mp3s avis
oggs and flacs), and it will stream across the network or it will accept
a USB drive plugged in directly.
I have the non-streaming USB version and am very happy with it on the
whole, although I use it solely for avi files and have therefore not
looked into what outputs it this might have for audio. I simply plug in
a usb stick with the files on it, and then browse the menu on the TV and
Reasonably cheap at < £90.
Another similar alternative is the Logitech Squeezebox, although I've
not looked at them since Logitech took over. That is designed
specifically for audio (mp3s and Internet radio I believe).
music, film, comics, books, rants and some drivel:
(mostly drivel actually!)