I've been using FreeNAS (
http://www.freenas.org/) for over 2yrs. Apart
from a small grumble of using a UFS filesystem, it's been pain free and
pretty fast. Mine is installed on a PIII 700MHz with 500+MB of RAM.
Might be worth a look, esp if you've got some old hardware around.
Raz :)
Philip Stubbs wrote:
> 2009/5/13 Rob Malpass <lug@???>:
>> Hi all
>> Short of building one from a dedicated Linux box (or a Drobo which is
>> prohibitively expensive for me) - can anyone recommend a decent NAS USB
>> device?
> Hi,
> I also am toying with the idea of getting a NAS type thing. The NSLU2
> was considered, but I was afraid that it may be a bit slow, and you
> experiance seems to confirm that.
> I would be interested to know how one of these compares
> http://www.viglen.co.uk/viglen/Products_Services/Product_Range/Product_file.aspx?eCode=XUBUMPCL&Type_Info=Description&Type=Desktops&GUID=19315148505
Rahim Lakhoo (a.k.a Raz)
E-Mail: razman786@???