[Hampshire] Don't tell Bill

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Author: Alan Bell
To: Hampshire LUG Discussion List
Old-Topics: Re: [Hampshire] I am a person not a PC...
New-Topics: [Hampshire] MS Bashing Re: Don't tell Bill
Subject: [Hampshire] Don't tell Bill
OK, so this is moving on a bit. We wanted to do a really big eye
catching expensive campaign, then we looked at our bank balance and
thought again. We would kind of like to make this a bigger thing than we
can actually afford so we have decided (over a few beers) to do it the
Open way.
Anyone who wants to do some promotional activity of Free/Open Source
software can join in.
Design and make your own "Don't tell Bill" thing - it could be anything,
postcards, a Tshirt, a television/YouTube advert, a laser printed poster
stuck on a school noticeboard etc. Just something that will be seen by
people outside the existing Free software community. On this put a URL
http://donttellbill.com/something where "something" is anything you
like, could be your name, your project name, some random letters etc.
This points at a folder on our webserver, where you can stick whatever
you like, we might provide a template to get you started or something
like that. There might be some consistent elements to the pages but
basically you have a free hand.

For example you could do something like a poster with the text "I didn't
pay for my company telephone exchange, shh, don't tell Bill" and a link
directing people to http://donttellbill/asterisk
Where you explain a bit more about Asterisk and perhaps direct people to
asterisk.com or your Asterisk support services (you don't have to do
this, just pointing out we have no problem with people promoting
themselves as well as the project)

We are making this up as we go along so if you have comments and
suggestions it is likely that they will be incorporated.


Daniel Pope wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 03, 2008 at 11:34:13AM +0000, Alan Bell wrote:
>> Here http://www.theopenlearningcentre.com/Postcards.pdf
>> is some sample artwork for postcards we could send to small businesses
>> (but I think we prefer the full colour version) let me know what you
>> think.
> Excellent! Like the concept and the photographs are excellent.
> </praise>
> <constructive-criticism>
> The caption looks slightly ugly. On pp3-5 the caption doesn't have
> enough space. Try a more rounded font, use lowercase, maybe some
> oversized partially transparent curly-quotes in the background to
> convey the effect of chatter or whispers.
> Don't choose a domain name like www.dont-tell-bill.com - avoid hyphens
> in preference so it reads as dub-dub-dub don't tell bill dotcom not
> dub-dub-dub don't hyphen tell hyphen bill dotcom. In principle I'd avoid
> a domain name that requires an apostrophe to parse correctly too, but
> it may be better to ensure it does match the slogan. donttellbill.com?

> billdoesntknow.com parses better even without the apostrophe.
> Looks like you've already registered it so perhaps a little late for
> that advice.

never too late
> Dan