Alan Pope wrote:
> On Sat, 2008-06-21 at 16:21 +0100, Jim Kissel wrote:
>> I wanted to have a play with the JeOS Ubuntu ISO and since I don't have
>> a USB-CD drive, I thought I would "burn" it to a USB thumb drive. If
>> found this in a how-to at
>> qemu -hda /dev/sdg -cdrom jeos-8.04-jeos-i386.iso -boot d -m 1024
>> which starts up and displays the usual Ubuntu install menu, but as soon
>> as I select "Install" it dies with a
>> [ 0.0000000[ ACPI: no DMI BIOS year, acpi=force is required to
>> enable ACPI
> Following that guide on Ubuntu 8.04 with qemu from the repo and it works
> for me. Are you running this directly on your Eee running at 600Mhz? How
> long did you leave it, as I get that message but if I leave it a few
> seconds (on my Core 2 Duo 2GHz) it carries on fine.
I left it run for 10 minutes on my 1G AMD 2.4 with Ubuntu 7.10
Never did see any response other than the afore mentioned error messages.
Al, point me at the download/instructions you used. thx