Author: Andy Random Date: To: Hampshire LUG Discussion List Subject: Re: [Hampshire] scripts/basic/Makefile missing
On Thu, 31 May 2007, john lewis wrote:
> There is another oddity. If I open TW in iceweasel amend username and
> set options and save, the next time I open the file in Iceweasel I
> see the latest amendments to options OK and the username is what I
> set it to be.
> If I then open the amended file in Opera I get the default
> YourName and the options I set using Iceweasel don't show up.
The options you refer to are browser specific (I assume they are saved as
cookies or some such rather than in the TW file itself), I get exactly
the same behaviour if I edit a TW file in both IE and FF.
TW even tells you this in the sidebar where the options are presented:
"These InterfaceOptions for customising TiddlyWiki are saved in your
So while TW might not be Opera friendly (yet) this particular issue is
nothing to do with Opera.