Re: [Hampshire] For those considering upgrading to Ubuntu Fe…

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Author: Paul Tansom
To: hampshire
Subject: Re: [Hampshire] For those considering upgrading to Ubuntu Feisty
** Alan Pope <alan@???> [2007-04-18 12:21]:
> On Wed, Apr 18, 2007 at 12:14:36PM +0100, Paul Tansom wrote:
> >
> > 1. I'm assuming Feisty is an LTS release
> Why?
> It isn't.

Because it is a major version number upgrade. One of the touted
advantages of Ubuntu is that it is more up to date than pure Debian. I
consider the LTS versions to be equivalent (in intended usage at least)
of Debian Stable, so if the LTS releases don't keep up with the major
versions then this advantage has gone.

Any idea when the next LTS release is due? I've not managed to find that
information in the FAQ or by searching on the site (for things like
roadmap, release date, etc.).

Maybe my view of what should be happening doesn't match with what is
happening. I see LTS as the server side package and the rest as the
desktop (much like I see stable for the server side and testing for the
desktop - although with a short pause just after a new stable release to
let testing settle again!). Ubuntu actually specifies server ISO images,
so whereas I wouldn't use testing on a server, and therefore wouldn't
use a non-LTS release on a server, that may not be the Ubuntu view.

Just my 2<<insert currency here>> worth :)

> > 3. This means there is no direct upgrade path between LTS releases
> No, because your first assumption is wrong :)

Hence why I was trying to clarify whether my assumption was correct or
not :)

> As I understand it the next LTS release will likely be Feisty+2 (or Gutsy+1
> - same thing), which would arrive around April 2008. Given Dapper has 5
> years support on the server and 3 years on the desktop (and game out in June
> 2006) this gives people plenty of time to go from Dapper (LTS) to Gutsy+1
> (the next LTS).

1. aha, that answers my questions above
2. yoiks, I'll have to look closely at the release cycles, backports and
etc. before installing another Ubuntu server then - my knee jerk
reaction to that is that Debian stable + backports is a better option. I
keep trying to like and switch to Ubuntu, but keep tripping over things
on the way - part of me wants to like it and part of me wants to prefer
Debian, all totally illogical really ;)

> As far as I can tell there will be a direct path from LTS->LTS. I can see a
> lot of people complaining if that isn't the case. Chances are there would be
> a slew of updates to apt/aptitude/update-manager/gdebi in Dapper to make
> this work.

Indeed, more thinking to do I think...

I think therefore I am,
But if I only think I think,
How do I know I think,
I mean I could just be thinking I think,
I think!
** end quote [Alan Pope]

Paul Tansom | Aptanet Ltd. |
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