Re: [Hampshire] For those considering upgrading to Ubuntu Fe…

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Author: Alan Pope
To: Hampshire LUG Discussion List
Subject: Re: [Hampshire] For those considering upgrading to Ubuntu Feisty
On Wed, Apr 18, 2007 at 12:14:36PM +0100, Paul Tansom wrote:
> 1. I'm assuming Feisty is an LTS release

It isn't.

> 2. From what you say the upgrade from 6.06 (Dapper) to 7.04 (Feisty) is
> not officially supported


> 3. This means there is no direct upgrade path between LTS releases

No, because your first assumption is wrong :)

> If my assumptions and logic are sounds (and they may well not be given
> the way my brain is(n't) working at the moment) then to upgrade between
> LTS releases you have to do multiple version upgrades in quick
> succession when the next LTS release comes out - surely it would make
> sense to have an LTS to LTS upgrade path?

As I understand it the next LTS release will likely be Feisty+2 (or Gutsy+1
- same thing), which would arrive around April 2008. Given Dapper has 5
years support on the server and 3 years on the desktop (and game out in June
2006) this gives people plenty of time to go from Dapper (LTS) to Gutsy+1
(the next LTS).

As far as I can tell there will be a direct path from LTS->LTS. I can see a
lot of people complaining if that isn't the case. Chances are there would be
a slew of updates to apt/aptitude/update-manager/gdebi in Dapper to make
this work.
