
Mounting USB Devices

The method below is deprecated. Modern distros use udev.

By default udev will write unique symlinks for each USB Mass Storage device to


I’m sure there are less messy solutions but this is how I did it. Assuming you have the same problem I did some time ago….


  • You have >1 USB Mass Storage device.

  • You want to guarantee that each device always has a consistent mount point.
  • You cannot guarantee that they will always be inserted in the same order

(and thus show [continued…]

Boot Splash

What is a Boot Splash?

Basically a bootsplash is simply an image (or splash screen) that gets displayed whilst your system is booting. It can be used in ‘silent’ mode which will simply show you a progress bar whilst the system is booting – similar to that of Windows XP, except it actually indicates how far through the boot process you are rather than just continuously scrolling. It can also be used in ‘verbose’ mode which simply overlays the boot text on top of an image that you’ve chosen. You can (currently) see examples of both these modes [continued…]

Sound On Linux

Sound On Linux

”A 10 second overview…”

All good things in Linux / Unix are modular in design offering the end user considerable choice.


In the kernel there is a module to drive the hardware interface to the sound card, and a generic sound API that other applications can talk to. There are two main interfaces, OSS for kernels 2.4.x and older, and ALSA for 2.4.x and later kernels. In 2.6.X kernels, ALSA is the default, deprecating OSS support.


If you are using an OSS driver, then you may optionally use a software multiplexer [continued…]

Run Levels


This page is intended for people to get an overview of what happens when your computer boots up, and why there is a need for different run levels. Essentially, the information contained in here is based on an e-mail I sent to SussexLUG.

Run levels

After the kernel has sorted out the hardware, etc, “init” is spawned. Init is the top level process. It’s where everything starts. So any programs you run, will either be children of init or have init as their ancester. As soon as init loads, it looks in the /etc/inittab file. Now, [continued…]

Hiding files on a system

Attackers can easily “hide” files on a system. One method is to modify the kernel (through a kernel module for example) if the attacker has gained root. This is not discussed here.

A more common method of “hiding” files is to simply put the files in obscure locations that users will probably overlook. One problem with UNIX is that /tmp, /var/tmp and /var/lock are world writable.

Look at the following directory listing in /tmp:

david@anarchy:/tmp$ ls -al drwxrwxrwt 10 root root 12288 Apr 21 02:34 . drwxr-xr-x 21 root root 4096 Apr 3 13:19 .. drwxr-xr-x 2 david david 4096 [continued...]

Squid Proxying Package Manager


I use a squid proxy at home to reduce the load on my broadband connection. This has come in useful for when i want to download updates to my Linux boxes. I use a mixture of Debian and Ubuntu boxes which can be updated via apt-get. I found that it was easy and useful to point apt at my squid proxy server so that packages already downloaded by one computer could be quickly downloaded by others.


This procedure only really makes sense if you have more than one computer running the same distro which use [continued…]

Simply Mepis

This page is my attempt of explaining why I think LinuxHints/SimplyMepis is a distro really worth trying.

SimplyMepis is what I call “desktop” debian made easy. Now, what do I mean by “desktop”? If you are someone that enjoys building debian from scratch, and configuring things by hand, then SimplyMepis is probably not for you. However, if you are someone that loves debian (are there people that don’t?), but would really like a desktop enviroment setup in minutes not hours, then SimplyMepis is pretty cool.

Why is SimplyMepis so cool then?


Compilation Basics

This article attempts to explain the basics of building from source: What “source code” is, what a compiler does, and the functions of libraries, make and ./configure.

Source code, binaries, and compilation

When a programmer writes a program, they will typically write it in a language like C, C++ or Java. These, like most programming languages, are a set of instructions for a computer, written in a “longhand” form which resembles a cross between natural language (“while <this is true>, do <that>”) and mathematical notation. This is known as the source code. Some languages, like Perl, Python and [continued…]


Content management systems provide a way to manage a website with less hassle than usual.

Most web CMS systems are primarily focused on providing templates and pre-made applications (such as polls, blogs, search). Many do not have good versioning features as you might expect given the name. Depending on what you want to achieve, you may want to look at using a Wiki instead.


Popular CMS:

Install Fedora Core

Installing Fedora Core 6

This guide is intended as a beginners guide to installing Fedora Core 6. I read a few webpages for tips before starting and found link below so please read it before continuing.
 So to begin

Download stage

Download FC6 for your particular hardware platform from here, 

I chose to download all 5 CD’s however, I only used CD 1 and 2 during the installation. My collegues prefer to download a minimal install CD and add the extra packages they require over the network, using the [continued…]