
Kernel Compiling

Using make-kpkg

Debian contains a very useful command for helping you to compile and install kernels. It’s called make-kpkg. This article gives a quick summary of the features of make-kpkg.

In this article, all the shell command examples assume that you’re starting from the root directory of the kernel source (from, e.g., the /usr/local/src/linux-2.6.0 directory, or wherever your source happens to be). Shell commands with a “#” prompt are run as root. Commands with a “$” prompt are run as a normal user.

It is also assumed that you have already downloaded, unpacked and configured your [continued…]


 Howto: Setup a home mailserver

So the first thing is to understand the setup:

 an "email server" can be made up of various bits, the bit that sends emails out it called the mail transfer agent or MTA
 fetchmail gets email from your ISP and delivers to local MTA local MTA saves in /var/mail (or /home/user/Mail) dovecot serves /var/mail and /home/user/Mail via POP3 and/or IMAP roundcube web application talks IMAP to dovecot to view emails and talks to the local MTA to send emails

This mailserver was configured on Ubuntu server 6.06 with a [continued…]

Useful One Liners

From ThomasAdam:

Rename all files in a directory to lower case

mmv "[A-Z]" "[a-z]" * 

Or, for Debian users, assuming all files are in the same directory:

rename 'y/A-Z/a-z/' *

and assuming that they are in subdirectories under the current directory:

find -type f | xargs rename 'y/A-Z/a-z/'

(Note that the Debian version of “rename” is not the same as the version shipped with many other distributions. The above won’t work on Red Hat, for example. It is perl based.)

From ThomasAdam:

This example also is potentially dangerous, as it assumes [continued…]

Xen On Etch

Here are some notes for those having some trouble trying to run the latest version of Xen (3.3.1 as of writing – Jan 2009) on Debian Etch – with Debian Etch DomUs. Many may find that their DomUs and their configs, that previously worked with the Debian Etch packaged Xen 3.0.3, now don’t work. I should add that to run the latest version of Xen on Debian Etch requires you to download the source tarball from the Xen website. Following the instructions in the source tar ball work with a few exceptions:

Note: I installed these [continued…]

Serial Console

How to setup a serial console to manage and boot your Linux box

This document will explain how to setup your Linux box to give you a console via a serial connection. As long as you have a serial port you will be able to log in to a Linux box over serial and also manipulate LILO/grub. If you have a server BIOS that can do serial console redirection then you may also be able to manipulate BIOS settings and watch the entire boot process.

BIOS serial console redirection

If you have a fancy BIOS/motherboard that can [continued…]

Debian Desktop

NOTE: This is horribly out of date. I suggest removing it for now, until someone has time to rewrite it? —DavidRamsden.

To do (random things, random order):

  • X configuration: Dual head mode
  • gdm (Debian GDM theme), Window Manager (xfce4)
  • LILO graphical image (Debian theme)
  • Bootsplash?
  • Mozilla Firebird flash plugin
  • GAIM
  • Other stuff but I’m tired and using brain hurts

Installing Debian in the first place

When I install Debian, I do everything as normal but skip tasksel and dselect when it asks.Then I make sure [continued…]

Kernel Alsa

Kernel recompile for ALSA, nVIDIA drivers, Queen and country

A wiki specifically for ALSA can be found at

This document will tell you how to recompile your kernel to get sound working (ALSA) and use the nVIDIA drivers.

It’s specifically aimed at Debian GNU/Linux Sid (unstable) and the 2.4.25 kernel. If you try and use something else, the specifics may be lost. It also also assumes you can use the “nano” editor a little and are using gdm as your login display manager.

Lines prefixed with a # (hash) mean a command to [continued…]

USB Mount Points

(The following is from the MailingList. It’s a description of how to mount USB devices that use the vfat filesystem. So this will typically include USB-keypens, MP3 players, digital cameras, etc.)

It’s probably a FAT-based filesystem on the USB device (it is on most USB devices). FAT doesn’t have the concept of file ownership, and the few (4) permissions bits that FAT knows about don’t map on to the (at least 9) bits that UNIX filesystems expect. As a result, FAT filesystems mounted in Linux assume a fairly restrictive set of file permissions.

You need to [continued…]

Flash And Java

OK, this’ll be another of my infamous ‘cut and paste’ jobs from my notes! It is again based on a Debian unstable install, so it’ll be all apt-get or aptitude stuff:


Ensure that your /etc/apt/sources.list file contains the contrib keyword e.g.

 deb stable main contrib 
  • and that you have issued an
aptitude update


To install flash:

aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree

..erm, that simple enough?!


You might also wish to refer to the /MozillaFirefoxJava page.

 1. aptitude install fakeroot java-package download the Java 1.5.0 [continued...]

Cups Install

OK, this is very much a work in progress, but since it has come up on the list recently I thought I would add my install notes to the wiki:

  • OK, a dummy install to see what extra packages may be needed – this isn’t necessarily everything as packages may already be installed
orca:~# aptitude -s install cupsys Reading Package Lists... Done Building Dependency Tree Reading extended state information Initializing package states... Done Reading task descriptions... Done The following NEW packages will be automatically installed: {{{ cupsys-bsd cupsys-client gs-esp libcupsimage2 libslp1 smbclient xpdf-common The following [continued...]