
6th August2005

When: 10:30 – 17:00, Saturday 6th August 2005

Where: SeminarRoom1


You’ll find slides, video and other media from the talks on the TechTalks/6thAugust2005 page.

AGM Minutes

  1. Welcome. The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. There were 21 eligible Members, forming a quorate Meeting.

  2. Matters Arising. There were no matters reported arising from the last AGM.

  3. Report on past year. The Chairman gave a brief report on the last year in the LUG. Membership has increased from 170 to approximately 200. The InfoPoints have been successful both in getting new people to LUG meetings as well as raising awareness of Linux around Hampshire. Meetings switched from alternating socials and Bring-a-boxes to monthly Bring-a-box meetings.

  4. Presentation of Accounts. The Treasurer presented accounts for the last year, available on the GroupFinances page. He also reported that the InfoPoint scheme was covering its own costs, but mainly due to the initial donation of blank CDs.

  5. Constitution Amendments. Each of the 8 proposed amendments was voted on and accepted unanimously.

  6. Election of Officers. HugoMills presided over the Elections2005.

  7. AOB. There were no other matters raised.

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