When: 10:30 – 17:00, Saturday 7th February 2004
Where: Seminar Room 1, Building 59 (Zepler), Department of Electronics & Computer Science, Southampton University.
Who was there:
AdrianBridgett (Wyvern)
AlanPope (popey)
BenSutton (pwk)
WilliamPalfreman (billp)
DavidRamsden (dgr)
GlenSearle (glen)
GrahamBleach (gdb)
HarryBragg (tiberious)
HugoMills (hugo)
JohnLewis (jayell)
JonMasters (jcm)
JustinWoods (woody)
LauraCowen (geekgirl)
MarkPhelan (markp)
NeilFerguson (blueGremlin)
PhilipStubbs (stuphi)
RichardGellman (Rickeh)
RobSmith (bob-lad)
SethKneller (nerd)
ThomasAdam (thomas_adam)
TomBragg (rph)
TonyWhitmore (tonytiger)
ZoeVanDeZande (Zoe)
What happened:
RobSmith and AlanPope got SSL working with apache on his webserver at home via SSH through his IPCop box.
AdrianBridgett installed Debian on the new HantsLUG server
HugoMills built his new Athlon64 box, and spent most of the meeting trying to find something that would both boot on it and recognise the disk controllers. A recent Gentoo/AMD64 seems to work.
AlanPope discovered that XFCE4 seems to consume huge quantities of CPU time when editing a list of pretty pictures.. thats *editing* a *small* *text* file!
MarkPhelan got debian to boot from raid on his desktop, and got it running Quake3 pretty well, whilst finally getting round to installing xfce4 on his notebook
LauraCowen installed Debian on her PC, alongside RedHat, with the help of TonyWhitmore.
TonyWhitmore also helped AlanPope to liven up his desktop with some pretty pictures.
PhilipStubbs did erm… not much
He did try some alternative window managers, but decided blackbox is still the one for him. He then tried to help PeterSalisbury get real player working. If you like the chipmonks, then that was a success.
GrahamBleach and BenSutton convinced Debian to netboot and install on JustinWoods Libretto L5
NeilFerguson and TonyWhitmore convinced and then helped SethKneller to install Debian on his ThinkPad T21 (Thanks guys!)
ChrisAitken reinstalled Debian more than 5 times on an old box, only to find that a dodgy IDE HDD was causing issues. Installation fine after bad HDD removed. LDAP Server almost worked out – just changing passwords via PAM to sort out!
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