

For those who want an easy to setup anti virus I highly recommend the use of clamassasin combined with ClamAV and Procmail.

First you’ll need to setup your MTA and Procmail as usual, then get clamassassin from [].

Download the package supplied and extract it, and follow the README file.

formail is part of Procmail remember, not a separate package. Also mktemp is most likely already on your system [1], to test try it on the command line, if you don’t get a command not found error then you should be OK.

You [continued…]

Key Signing

I'm not going to discuss here how to handle the simple mechanics of getting PGP (or GnuPG) to manage keys. Neither am I going to go through the basics of public key cryptography. I'll leave that for others to do, and assume here that you know about both of those. (If you want to know more about setting up GPG and how it works, try the mini-howto. Instead, I want to describe the steps that people normally go through to sign someone else's key, and why all of those steps should be done.

Key signing [continued…]