
Hiding files on a system

Attackers can easily “hide” files on a system. One method is to modify the kernel (through a kernel module for example) if the attacker has gained root. This is not discussed here.

A more common method of “hiding” files is to simply put the files in obscure locations that users will probably overlook. One problem with UNIX is that /tmp, /var/tmp and /var/lock are world writable.

Look at the following directory listing in /tmp:

david@anarchy:/tmp$ ls -al drwxrwxrwt 10 root root 12288 Apr 21 02:34 . drwxr-xr-x 21 root root 4096 Apr 3 13:19 .. drwxr-xr-x 2 david david 4096 [continued...]

Squid Proxying Package Manager


I use a squid proxy at home to reduce the load on my broadband connection. This has come in useful for when i want to download updates to my Linux boxes. I use a mixture of Debian and Ubuntu boxes which can be updated via apt-get. I found that it was easy and useful to point apt at my squid proxy server so that packages already downloaded by one computer could be quickly downloaded by others.


This procedure only really makes sense if you have more than one computer running the same distro which use [continued…]

2nd June2007

When: 10:30 – 16:30, Saturday 2nd June 2007

Where: JamiesComputerClub

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