Firstly, thanks to those who have come up with suggestions. Although
interesting, it proves that my original post was too vague. Thanks to all
of you who have the patience to have another go.
> I use a hosted training system from which I want to link to files which a
few people can edit. The hosted system is not up for debate or
modification, and can't be used to host those files
> Files could be kept in Dropbox or Google Drive (I'd rather not add any
more storage options to my collection)
> Google Drive suits the other party better
> I like the easy offline use then sync abilities of Dropbox
> I run debian testing, and I'm not looking to change OS or machine to
solve this relatively small issue
> We are talking about a dozen files, mainly WP documents and a MS project
> I'm looking for something which can sync a Dropbox Directory with a
Google Drive one. Has anyone tried any of he free tools available to do
Thanks very much
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