[Hampshire] Free Original Xbox

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Author: James Bensley
To: Hampshire LUG Discussion List, surrey
Subject: [Hampshire] Free Original Xbox
Hi All,

I recently moved house and have various bits and bobs that are free to
a good home, if anyone wants any of them please let me know (first
come first serve). I haven’t got room for them anymore.

First up I have an original Xbox (not even an Xbox 360!) whichI have
chipped so you can copy games to the hard drive and play copied disks
(I have also fitted a larger than standard hard drive, 80GB I think).
It has two controllers and a few old games like Rainbow 6, Burnout 3,
Sega GT 2002, Halo 1, plus whatever games are copied to the hard

I guess this is considered retro gaming now? So if you’re into that,
its free. I have more stuff I haven’t unboxed as yet.

It can be collected from Southampton (or I can deliver it to you in
Southampton) or in Reigate or Leather, I am circulating between though
locations regularly.


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