I see it as a good thing to waste their time, especially when they are
trying to get you to install something. At least then they are not getting
someone else more gullible to install this software.
There are lots of funny stories online about what people have done when
they get these types of calls:
On 25 January 2013 22:28, Lisi <hantslug@???> wrote:
> On Friday 25 January 2013 19:31:19 Sean Gibbins wrote:
> > Naive or possibly even wiflfully ignorant,
> > but not necessarily dishonest.
> True of many. But the "share" sellers are definitely dishonest bullies. I
> have crossed swords with one such firm (Galissard) in the person of some
> ten
> or twelve different "salespeople" (bullies).* Peter had unfortunately had
> a
> conversation with one of them, so they simply would not go away and were
> extraordinarily rude and unpleasant to me. One even rang back to ask why I
> had hung up on him!! Clue: I don't like being called a b***h. ;-)
> Lisi
> *
> https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=rare+earth+metals&aq=1&oq=rare+eatr&aqs=chrome.2.57j0l3.12131&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
> They also tried to sell him carbon credits.
> --
> Please post to: Hampshire@???
> Web Interface: https://mailman.lug.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/hampshire
> LUG URL: http://www.hantslug.org.uk
> --------------------------------------------------------------
Michael Daffin <james1479@???>
Please post to: Hampshire@???
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