So there's a fair few coders and sysadmins among us here. What do you do to
manage multiple terminal windows open on a Gnome desktop?
I use Debian Squeeze with Gnome 2.x and often have ~10 gnome-terminal
windows open. About half will be running vim, the rest will be normal shell
or ssh sessions.
What I am after is some way to intelligently group them on the gnome-panel
or elsewhere. Maybe colour code them by "group" or purpose so I can quickly
access each one by sight. Right now the way I "group" them in the lower
gnome-panel is by manually keeping the vim terms on the right and others on
the left with gedit and Chrome between them as a "buffer". There must be a
better way to address this?
Can these help? I've earmarked a few desktop management tools that might
help but not got around to looking at them in any depth:
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forever.” - Indian political and spiritual leader Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948)
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