Hi all
I'm wondering if I'm "missing a trick" here - perhaps someone can help...
I have a pretty big (already 2TB and likely to be nearer 4TB+ by the time
I've finished) media library (all mpgs) - how should I be making this
available over my network? Does anyone know of a device that will allow
(for example) 6 USB devices (all HDDs) to be connected and shared as if they
were one? Googling reveals something called a Belkin network usb hub but
the reviews are awful.
I know I could contemplate the cloud here to keep this lot for me - but this
a) going to cost a lot and
b) getting 4TB onto the cloud at an upstream bandwidth still measured in
kbits rather than mbits would be beyond painful
I can't be the only one with a huge DVD and video library but the majority
of drives I've seen on the high street are 2-3TB.
Any ideas?
Please post to: Hampshire@???
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