** Hants LUG Chairman <adam.trickett@???> [2011-12-01 20:27]:
> Here is your final reminder of our next meeting on Saturday 03 December 2011.
> Start up from 10:00, main meeting from 10:30, AGM at 12:15, clean up 15:30 and
> doors close around 16:00.
> We now have a full list of candidates including a volunteer for chair! If you
> want to be on the committee for this year you have until the end of today,
> when I'll close the list.
> http://www.hantslug.org.uk/wiki/CommitteeElections2011
> Please have a look at the list and can we have some nominations and seconds on
> the list. I took the liberty of filling in some names, where people indicated
> they'd second anyone!
> As I originally said, I'm happy to stay on as a GO to help the new chair and
> that offer remains on the table.
Well I've seconded you, so it's up to the vote now :)
As an aside, I note that there is no name in the nominated column for most
candidates. The constitution states that you need to be nominated, but not that
you can't nominate yourself. I may be over thinking things from being used to
larger organisation with more complications than we ever have, but should we be
ensuring and entry for nominations?
** end quote [Hants LUG Chairman]
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