On 19 June 2011 12:15, Rob Malpass <linux@???> wrote:
> Hi all
> Can anyone recommend a (preferred) distance learning course on networking /
> telecomms? I simply can't find anything at the OU that fits the bill - if
> anyone knows a good one please let me know. Please excuse the rather wooly
> question but allow me to explain...
> I'm not enjoying my Computing degree much at the moment - too much object
> oriented programming. Recently however I've become a bit more interested
> in networks and possibly even telecomms. Everything I know about
> networking I've taught myself through largely trial, error and a lot of
> googling. I know a bit - but not enough to configure an ipcop firewall
> with any certainty I've got it right. Now, with a bit of time on my hands
> for once, I'd like to study networking properly. I'm loathe to just buy a
> book and read it (unless someone can suggest something really good).
> Obviously for playing / testing I'd like to use Linux so can anyone
> recommend something. The only references I have are "Hacking Exposed" and
> "Firewalls for Dummies" but I'm not really "enjoying" using that - perhaps
> I'm beyond Dummy!
Why not just read all the RFCs? ;-) Rather a lot to read.
Only 6000 documents to read!
They are the reference standard for all TCP/IP networking protocols.