May be of interest
----- Forwarded message from Jane Morrison <office@???> -----
Date: Tue, 24 May 2011 10:08:44 +0000
From: Jane Morrison <office@???>
To: announce@???
Subject: [UKUUG-Announce] UKUUG - forthcoming events
'Building the network you need with PF, the OpenBSD packet filter' Tutorial
Tutor: Peter N. M. Hansteen
Thursday 22nd September 2011 - London
full details:
UKUUG - Annual General Meeting
Thursday 22nd September 2011 - London
Agenda and paperwork will be sent to members in August
un-conference - Manchester
Saturday 8th October - more information available very soon
'DNS SEC' Tutorial
Tutor: Jan-Piet Mens
Wednesday 16th November 2011 - London
More information coming soon
Spring Conference
Edinburgh - March 2012 - tbc
Call for papers coming soon
'Intensive Introduction to Google App Engine with Python' Tutorial
Tutor: Paul Barry
Thursday 12th April 2012
More information coming soon
----- End forwarded message -----
Adam Trickett
Overton, HANTS, UK
In the field of observation, chance favours only the prepared minds.
-- Louis Pasteur