On 28/09/10 20:55, john wrote:
> The easiest way to deal with the problem is to create a small partition on the
> drive which will fit s small linux distro. Install into this partition. When
> the small distro is running update grub.
> Latest Puppy should do it.
> This will give you the details about the drives that you will need.
> You then should be able to access the other linux.
> Once the other linux is running you can remove the puppy linux.
> This has saved me in the past.
Not quite sure what this will show/do as he said the 2nd disk will not
boot. fdisk -l and blkid as root will give the drive details.
A simple procedure will show the disk labels/UUIDs
fdisk -l | grep "^/dev" | awk '{print $1}' | grep -v swap | grep -v Ext
> /tmp/partlabels
for i in `cat /tmp/partlabels`
cmdlog "e2label $i"
cmdlog "dumpe2fs $i"
rm /tmp/partlabels
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