On 08/07/10 00:08, Jacqui Caren-home wrote:
> OK I freely admit I did not RTFM.
> I have a redhat (well centos5) box with a 500GB disk in
> I use to play with openvz store pictures on etc.
> centos mounts / from /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00
> So the question is
> 1) is there a way to recover from my stupidity without wiping the PV/LV
> 2) if not can I mount the Lv within a live rescue disk so that I can
> pull off my data before re-installing?
> Jacqui
Use the Centos CD/DVD to run rescue mode. If not shown in the grub menu
on boot just enter
linux rescue
when you see the boot command ( or hit escape at the grub graphical boot
On completion you should see your disc mounted under /mnt/sysimage and
boot under /mnt/sysimage/boot
chroot /mnt/sysimage
if you want to make any changes to fix the problem.
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