Not linux, but may be of interest to some people here.
----- Forwarded message from Jane Morrison <office@???> -----
> BSD Magazine was first published in June 2008.
> We decided to create a magazine for BSD users, enthusiasts and communitites.
> There were lots of Linux magazines and none devoted to BSD systems.
> Does that mean Linux is better than BSD? Not at all!
> Our authors are not only professionals with years of experience and BSD gurus,
> but also young hotheads who have lots of interesting things to say.
> The magazine is a free monthly publication, with 50 pages.
> Check here (all archives and newest issues in pdf format are available):
> Sign up for our newsletter and get the newest issue straight to your inbox!
> Olga Kartseva
> BSD Magazine
> Email: olga.kartseva@???
> Visit:
----- End forwarded message -----
Bob Dunlop