[Hampshire] Radio 4 Click On

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Author: Alan Bell
To: Hampshire LUG Discussion List
Subject: [Hampshire] Radio 4 Click On
I am going on a little adventure to Broadcasting house in London on
Friday to be interviewed for the Click ON programme in relation to the
general election and in particular the http://votegeek.org.uk website.
At the moment it is suffering a bit of voter apathy and I don't have as
many interesting comments on it that I can talk about as I would like.
Please spare a few minutes to email your candidates and ask them all
about their position on an issue that matters to you, and share your
email and responses. It could be anything from the farce that is the
Digital Economy Bill to the Digital Britain agenda, universal broadband,
Free software in the public sector, teaching Python in schools, anything
that has a geeky angle and matters to you. Even if you are in a safe
seat and you don't think your vote matters you can join in.
