This is a gentle reminder that Anton needs to know as soon as possible how may
people may go to IBM Hursley in February so that he can plan numbers.
We have again been invited to IBM and so our next meeting on the 6th of
February will be at IBM Hursley Labs. As with last time entrance and exit
times will be "less flexible" than a Southampton meeting but I hope this is
offset by the excellent meeting that will take place there and everyone will
want to be there from start to finish anyway.
If you think you are going to the meeting please email Anton now so he can
work with IBM security: anton <dot> piatek <at> uk <dot> ibm <dot> com
Adam Trickett
Overton, HANTS, UK
The Politician is an acrobat: he keeps his balance by saying
the opposite of what he does.
-- Maurice Barres