2009/10/20 Leo <linux@???>:
> Peter Salisbury wrote:
>> There are a few different ways that shutdown happens depending on what
>> you have installed. The normal with a modern install is via scripts in
>> /usr/lib/hal/scripts/linux which all have self-explanatory names and
>> simple contents. All the default shutdown script does is call
>> "shutdown -h now".
>> HTH, Peter
> I've just tested those scripts and it seems none of them get called when
> shutting down using the gnome menu :(
> Leo
That's strange, the official FAQ at
has this Q&A:
Where do I put my custom suspend/shutdown/hibernate script?
Because gnome-power-manager uses HAL to toggle bits in the hardware,
you need to put your custom instructions in
Granted the path is a bit different to the one I suggested, so perhaps
look for another place just to be sure?
find / -name "hal-system-power*"
All my notes on what I found out are at:
HTH, Peter