On 02/04/2008, Adrian Bridgett <adrian@???> wrote:
> It's now distinctly unhappy - it appears to now have crashed and is
> pretty unhappy. I'm going to pick up the box which won't be until
> tomorrow now, assuming I fix it tomorrow night, service will be
> restored on Friday.
5 Reallocated_Sector_Ct 0x0033 079 079 005 Pre-fail 526
It is the "Reallocated_Sector_Ct" that best indicates a failing or failed HD.
The number at the end, 526, means there have been 526 unrecoverable
sector errors on the media, and the IDE drive has reallocated them to
special hidden spare ones. But once the spare ones are used up, the
whole drive is caput. Each reallocation results in lost user data! All
good HD drives should have the "Reallocated_Sector_Ct" sitting nicely
at zero.
> Adrian
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