On Tue, Mar 4, 2008 at 11:59:23 +0000 (+0000), Pierre Cazenave wrote:
> If I simply plug in my new hard drive, will it show up as a new
> disk (D:\)? Or will it try to become part of the RAID 1 array?
It's possible that what you have is FakeRAID. My personal experience of
this is to "avoid at all costs" - I've almost lost all my data, twice
(once involving low level bit-twiddling of the RAID data on the disks
having fixed a bug in a repair program....).
OTOH if it is a LSI logic SAS controller, that's definitely a proper
server controller and so is probably _real_ hardware RAID.
It will probably show up as a new disk which you will need to format
and then it will show up as D:
(googling.....) Finally, a useful guide - it's a bit OTT in terms of
complexity, but it explains how paritions and formatting works:
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