Re: [Hampshire] ADSL Charges

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Author: David Ramsden
To: Hampshire LUG Discussion List
Subject: Re: [Hampshire] ADSL Charges

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Vic wrote:
>> I just got notification that after 1st June I will have to pay my ADSL
>> Supplier £33.00 to get a MAC code to move to another ADSL Supplier.

> In short, your ISP is operating outside Ofcom's Code of Practice. I should
> slap them, IIWY...

On 1st May 2007, BT Wholesale introduced a £33.75 (excl VAT) cessation
charge. This charge is only for ISPs who use BT's Capacity Based
Charging model and Usage Based Charging model.

At the same time BT have also slightly reduced the price per tail whilst
introducing a bandwidth charge per tail. Because of these changes some
ISPs are able to absorb the new cessation charge whilst others will be
passing on the cost to the end user.

Obviously when you migrate to another ISP you're not ceasing the ADSL
unless you were to request a cease and re-provide.

I'd read the email you received from your ISP again and confirm with
them first because it sounds like they're just notifying you of the new
BT Wholesale cessation charge and that your particular ISP has chosen to
pass this cost on to the end user.

An ISP can't charge for a MAC.

 .''`.     David Ramsden
: :'  :
`. `'`     PGP key ID: 3454B217 on
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