On 30/04/07, Stuart Biggs <smbiduk@???> wrote:
> Hi all
> I can boot into my PC and get on line etc no probs but
> when I wanted to download/install some
> files/progs/apps from the Internet - I needed to know
> my root password and I discovered to my amazement that
> I had forget it and it wasn't usual one.
Hi Stuart, Firstly are you using sudo? if so do 'sudo su' to get a root
terminal. If not follow below:
I haven't used mandriva before but there's usually a common way to sort
yourself out.
Get hold of a copy of knoppix/ubuntu cd/gentoo live cd and boot it, then
from a console mount your root partition and then do 'chroot <your mounted
root partition ie /dev/hda2>'
When you've successfully chrooted into your install just type passwd <new
However it does all depend how mandria locks down your root console from
chrooting, you might need to reset /etc/shadow but try the above first.
Others I'm sure can advise you on this better than I can (Since I've only
reset shadow once in SuSE).
Please help as I would be very grate full
> Stuart biggs
> ps I running mandriva 2006(from the cover disk of
> Linux format). No Apache installed I think!)
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