[Hampshire] ubuntu Screencast team meeting tonight

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Author: Alan Pope
To: hampshire, surrey, kent
Subject: [Hampshire] ubuntu Screencast team meeting tonight

Apologies to anyone subscribed to more than one of the mailing lists this mail has been sent to. If people
complain publicly or privately to me doing this then I will not do it again.

I setup a Screencast team [0] in Ubuntu to help foster the creation and distribution of Screencasts. You can see
what we have created already and more about the team at our website [1]. There is also a FAQ [2].

The team are having their first online meeting tonight at 8pm UTC in the #ubuntu-meeting channel on the freenode
irc network. The agenda is posted online [3] although may be subject to change before the meeting starts. I
booked the #ubuntu-meeting channel for 2 hours, but wont be surprised if we finish before then.

Whilst I appreciate not everyone uses Ubuntu, I know a number of people on these lists are interested in
Screencasting in general, and as such there may be useful stuff they can pick up. So all are welcome to
"attend", you don't have to be an Ubuntu user.

So, would be great to see any interested parties there and hear their input.

If you can't make it then by all means mail me your points and I can bring them up.


[0] https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-screencasts
[1] http://doc.ubuntu.com/screencasts/
[2] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreencastTeam/FAQ
[3] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreencastTeam/Meeting