* Hugo Mills (hugo@???) wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 16, 2007 at 08:18:17AM +0000, Philip Stubbs wrote:
> > When i have used avidemux, it has had a real problem with loosing
> > sync with the audio. I tried to cut a small clip from a film, and
> > the sync was abou 2 seconds out. Is this a known problem? Where
> > should I look to fix this?
> When you first load an MPEG2 into avidemux, it indexes it. If you
> look at the end of the .idx file (with "tail" is probably easiest),
> the last but one line will read something like:
> # track 1 PTS : 1485730378 delta=0381 ms
> The delta is the A/V offset, and can then be corrected for in the
> box in the left-hand-side toolbar -- set it to the negative of the
> delta value (so -381 in the example above).
Thanks Hugo. That sounds almost usable. :-) If the information is
there in the index file that avidemux creates, its seems almost odd
that it is not picked up automatically. If only I could code :-)
> The A/V sync settings GUI has been changed around several times,
> and the author hasn't yet actually developed something which is
> user-friendly (despite a significant degree of prompting).
> I have a cron script which handles most of my video processing
> off-line, and it indexes the videos, works out the A/V offset, and
> writes the basics of an avidemux edit script containing the
> instructions to load the video and set the A/V offset, so I don't
> actually have to worry about it.
I will have a go at doing this by hand first. Later, may it be
possible to have a copy of your script?
Philip Stubbs