Tony Whitmore wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 15, 2007 at 09:47:40AM +0000, Brian Chivers wrote:
>> If I deactivate Eth0 then everything is fine and the server will update OK
>> and access the web but if I activate Eth0 I lose internet connectivity as
>> it's trying to use Eth0 as it's using this as the default interface and it
>> all goes wrong :-(
> You'll need to provide your /etc/network/interfaces to be certain, but my
> guess would be that you have a "gateway" line in the configuration stanza
> for eth1. Remove that and restart networking on the box and you should be OK.
> Tony
That's for the pointers Tony, I reinstalled with one card disabled then re enabled the card once it
was running and it all seem fine now.
Thanks again
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