Re: [Hampshire] Printers

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Author: Brad Rogers via Hampshire
To: Hampshire LUG List
CC: Brad Rogers
Subject: Re: [Hampshire] Printers

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On Wed, 6 Nov 2019 16:06:44 +0000
Owain via Hampshire <hampshire@???> wrote:

Hello Owain,

>I am so regretting accepting a free HP Officejet printer.  The software
>works ok, but for me part of the open source ethic is being able to use
>non OEM cartridges

I use non-HP ink cartridges in my OfficeJet without issues.

I know there was a time when HP silently blocked the possibility of using
non-HP cartridges, but that decision was soon reversed after a *massive*
outcry (no doubt followed by a downturn in sales) from pretty much all
quarters. All this was in late 2016, BTW. Maybe a firmware update is
in order.

Despite the reversal, HP did not apologise for the block. Nor did they
say that they wouldn't do it again. Therefore, once you've performed a
firmware update (if applicable) I suggest you prevent your printer from
auto-updating firmware in future.

TBH, the whole debacle seriously knocked my confidence(1) in HP. When my
current printer dies. I may well buy from another supplier with better
open-source credentials.

(1) Possibly too strong a word. HP's Linux/open-source support is
patchy, at best.

 Regards  _
         / )           "The blindingly obvious is
        / _)rad        never immediately apparent"
I can't do a thing 'cause I can't relax
Independence Day - Comsat Angels

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