Re: [Hampshire] Home user Linux Support opportunities in So…

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Author: Imran Chaudhry
Date: 2017-09-19 20:06 -000
To: Thomas Kluyver
CC: Hampshire LUG Discussion List
Subject: Re: [Hampshire] Home user Linux Support opportunities in Southampton/Eastleigh area?
Hello Thomas,

Yes, please do. From the website it looks like general helpers are welcome.

As for the Linux/laptop course, I'm making people aware through the
Facebook pages of my local areas and I've approached my village parish
council with a bunch of flyers which they have kindly displayed
prominently in their display boards.

...I was also in the local barbers this weekend, told them what I was
doing and they also kindly agreed to host my flyers :)

So far though I have had virtually no interest after two weeks. I
think I'll give it until the first week of October before calling it

It might be just too niche for most people, or I have failed to
communicate it it an engaging way. Here is the flyer in detail:

My thinking was not to mention Linux or open-source at all and the
"mechanic and driver" would be something easy to understand. I thought
the "faster web surfing" and "no fear of viruses" would be good hooks
to get people interested.

I do have a "Plan B" - while I was describing my idea to the parish
council people, a random visitor overheard my idea and asked if I
cover things like phones and tablets. It turns out this person had a
query about lost e-mail on her Samsung phone. I helped her out there
and then and she gave me the idea of doing something related to phones
and tablets, eg. going "beyond the basics". She even told me that her
and her friend would attend such a course. Since everyone has a phone
or tablet these days it might be more traction. Lets see.

On 14 September 2017 at 20:48, Thomas Kluyver <thomas@???> wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 14, 2017, at 08:44 PM, Imran Chaudhry wrote:
> Thanks for that Thomas, this is the first I've heard about the Repair Cafe
> concept but I fully support the idea.
> I will try to pop along to the next one in October.
> Cool! Shall I put you in touch with the organiser?
> In the meantime I've decided to try and run a local "setup your own Linux
> laptop" course to generate my own clientele. I'll report back here on how
> it goes.
> I look forward to hearing how it goes. How are you making people aware of
> it?
> Thomas

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