[Hampshire] Low Level (but basic) help please

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Author: Rob Malpass
Date: 2017-07-14 11:40 -000
To: 'Hampshire LUG Discussion List'
Subject: [Hampshire] Low Level (but basic) help please
Hi all

After a recent power outage here overnight, one of my servers failed to boot
and went into emergency mode (Ubuntu 16.04) with no amount of fsck getting
me out of trouble. After a lot of faffing with fstab (it has about 5
drives attached to it) I've found the UUID of the failing drive. This was
by trial and error removing them all and adding them one by one rebooting
each time until I found the problem drive.

Now when I do:

sudo blkid |grep <UUID of failing drive>

there is no listing. As (thank goodness) the problem drive wasn't
important, I can just leave its entry commented out in /etc/fstab but I'd
like to try and fix it if I can. But if I can't see it in the list of
UUIDs, how do I mount it and therefore try and fix it?



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