[Hampshire] Hi, new member. Paid support locally?

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Author: Jago Pearce
To: hampshire
Subject: [Hampshire] Hi, new member. Paid support locally?
Hi all.

Quick intro.
I work at sea. On a boat in Norway at the moment with a draconian
firewall... which is why I'm writing from this gmail account. I've
been using linux since Mandrake6, which seems like eons ago now.
I enjoy quick fixes and hacks, not necessarily just with computers.
Did anyone here go to Maker Fair in Brighton this year?

Never-the-less, although vastly reduced I still get regular problems
with linux. To be honest, whereas in the past I used to enjoy fixing
these issues I can't be bothered as much these days. I don't mind
spending a bit of time here and there but for the most part I just
want the get things done. The problem I find is that things move at
such a pace no sooner have you mastered grub1 then grub2 comes round
changing everything and it's seems like it's back to square one, no?

So I am looking for paid in-person linux support locally. From time to
time I have a number of problems build up with linux, especially after
upgrades (would prefer security on upgrades to reduce this... but no
idea how to do that with Sabayon...) and sometimes even after days of
man hours trying to fix them I come to the conclusion that a more
efficient use of resources would be paid support to teach me how to
fix these problems.

Or maybe someone to help out in exchange for a donation to the LUG?

At the moment I have the following issues which I can't seem to
resolve after many hours, well days in some cases of googling,
replying to threads and so on. If any of these sound familiar I'd be
glad of a few pointers but otherwise no worries, I'm continuing to
work on them, hopefully I'll get there in the end:

- a locale problem that seems specific to Sabayon/Gentoo...found lots
of info...none appears to be persistent
- update a bios that doesn't always boot; need to add an .img option
to grub2 to get DOS, which is required for the flash
- when scrolling up in console mode terminal, how to stop the
scrolling from interrupting what I'm reading (wondered about this for
- booting grub and encrypted disks; why isn't grub2-mkconfig -o
/boot/grub/grub.cfg generating a boot menu that works with my
encrypted disks
- what would one type to chainload to Windows on the grub2
commandline? I'd like to print this out and stick it under the laptop
as a backup, should there be a problem with grub
- as above, only for linux with a encrypted root partition
- needing to hold the right click mouse button to use menus in firefox
and thunar
- working with a firewall & proxy server, aka which port do I run my
shell server on... does it really need to be port 80 and shellinabox;
there are probably other ports allowed which I can detect with an nmap
command rather than trial and error


Please post to: Hampshire@???
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LUG URL: http://www.hantslug.org.uk