Hi all
Does anyone know of a particularly readable tutorial on Samba? When I've
setup samba shares so Windows machines can see Linux boxes before, it's been
pretty much a surprise that they've worked. Ditto getting Linux machines
to be able to write to NAS boxes as non-root users.
My current problem is trying to make a directory on an external USB HDD on
an Ubuntu host available as r/w to a Windows host. I can make said host
see and read from a folder under /home/whoever but (even soft linking
/home/whoever/test to /media/ExternalHDDname is failing.
To make matters worse, the gnome users and groups admin thing has failed
completely i.e. click "Add" and it doesn't add a user, nor can I delete one
-all in all a bit of a meltdown really!
There are of course thousands of pages about samba and I'm sure O'Reilly
would be its' usual encyclopaedic - but all I want is to understand how
users and groups work in Samba so I can set appropriate permissions - anyone
know of a good resource?
Please post to: Hampshire@???
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