[Hampshire] Rejoinder to CIO

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Author: Leszek Kobiernicki 1
To: Portsmouth LUG Mailing List, HANTS LUG
Subject: [Hampshire] Rejoinder to CIO
Dear All

There have been numerous threatening moves made by the supporting
legions of Ignoranti, trying to put the fear of God into the IT
industry, since 2008-2009, when the MoneyBags decided, finally, and
completely, to impoverish us all, by winding down the White ( Production
) economy, in order finally to substitute fot it, the Black ( Criminal)
one ..

It's simply a key part of the ongoing programme of " squeeze the masses,
feed the results to Greed_&_Money Inc. "

For sheer cheek, the latest pronouncement is hard to beat:


My comment:

*Who's irrelevant ?

l.kobiernicki@... <http://www.techrepublic.com/members/profile/5190793>
less than a minute ago

Just let 'em try getting their work done & dusted without us. Then
we'll soon see who's needed, and why. As for all these bums-on-seats
healthcare pros, in whose interests it remains, for people to get/remain
sick, & to be medicated up to their eyeballs, they're not aiding
healing: far from it ! They're part of a keeping-us-all-ill industry,
feeding us inorganics, which we can't digest, but which maintains the
cash flows of the allopaths.

Increasingly, the big batallions ( MNCs, international NGOs, & all the
other dinosaurs ) prove themselves not only unnecessary, but parasitical
on the people co-opted to service them ( eg. IT, secretaries, & all
those others impressed into their service ). What's needed is a purge
of all the freeloaders, jargon-munchers, & other parasites gobbling up
all the goodies they can, while the poor people struggle & fail.
Without IT, they're dead in the water.

Don't try to frighten us; we're onto you: we've understood what your
priorities are. When did you last do something useful, necessary,
absolutely crucial ? IT keeps this whole juggernaut rolling. When you
limber up to fire us, the whole awful momentum slows, and your end
approaches that much sooner.

Get real. We don't need you. YOU need US ! Without us, you can't
continue to spout your guff, threaten, and otherwise attitudinize.
Without our support, you'd just be a lone fantasist, dreaming power.


Sorry, but this Essex County Council CIO David Wilde, really got my goat.

I spent years servicing the monoliths ( government, multinationals etc.
), only to be threatened into fearfulness with the loss of a job.

Stuff 'em ! And mount 'em in a Museum of Obsoletes/Unnecessaries ..
End_Products nobody wants, or needs

" The power of this life, if men will open their hearts to it, will heal
them, will create them anew, physically and spiritually. Here is the
gospel of earth, ringing with hope, like May mornings with bird-song,
fresh and healthy as fields of young grain. But those who would be
healed must absorb it not only into their bodies in daily food and
warmth but into their minds, because its spiritual power is more
intense. It is not reasonable to suppose that an essence so divine and
mysterious as life can be confined to material things; therefore, if our
bodies need to be in touch with it so do our minds. The joy of a spring
day revives a man's spirit, reacting healthily on the bone and the
blood, just as the wholesome juices of plants cleanse the body, reacting
on the mind. Let us join in the abundant sacrament--for our bodies the
crushed gold of harvest and ripe vine-clusters, for our souls the purple
fruit of evening with its innumerable seed of stars ". Vis Medicatrix
Naturae, by Mary Webb, in Spring of Joy: Nature Essays, Constable,
London, 1917 "
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